Friday, 11 November 2011

Research Assignment: video tutorial

The concept behind my research assignment was making the idea of screenshots and screen captures much more presentable. Work with this game engine seems to be a large part of our degree, so being able to present it well is highly important. I already knew how to do two of the three tasks in my tutorial before setting out on it, but the third, being changing character models, was something I had wanted to do for a while, but never had a good enough reason for until now.

The reason I chose to include three things in this tutorial rather than just changing the model is because although I had taken those things for granted for most of the course, I'm very familiar with games and game engines, which a lot of people aren't, and I've been asked more than a few times how to turn off the little displays that get in the way of taking a good screen capture. So having another resource out there that explains it can't hurt.

The most important thing for me was the model changing, because for a presentation standard, having a guy running around in a nano suit doesn't really meet the expectations. Simply being able to change it to a man or woman in civilian clothes makes the whole thing look phenomonally better.

Please send marks to my zmail, which is

References for my research can be found either at the end of the tutorial, or a few posts ago in the research section on this blog.

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